For the same infringement upon the exclusive right to a registered trademark to which the administrative punishments have been given by the competent administrative department for Industry and commerce, the people's court shall impose no further civil sanction. 工商行政管理部门对同一侵犯注册商标专用权行为已经给予行政处罚的,人民法院不再予以民事制裁。
The court, in addition, adjudged the defendant a civil sanction fine. 此外,法院还对被告的违法行为作出罚款的民事制裁决定。
The imposition of administrative fine instead of a civil or a criminal sanction leads to lack of criminal liability for environmental pollution. 在我国,环境污染违法犯罪领域过分“重行政轻民刑”、“以罚代刑”,导致环境污染行为之“刑事责任阙如”。
The discovery system of civil evidence of common law national is different from that of civil law national in respect of the basic constitution of the discovery, namely, the scope, methods of the discovery and the measures of sanction resulting from the violation of the discovery. 英美法系国家的民事证据发现制度虽然在证据发现的范围、发现方法以及违反发现程序规定的制裁措施,即基本构造上与大陆法系国家的有关规定不同,似乎显得更为详尽、周全。
The Analysis and Evaluations on Institutional Shortcoming of Civil Sanction 民事制裁制度性缺陷评析
The civil liability that the controlling shareholders to the third party is a kind of sanction for those who disobey their legal obligation. 控制股东对第三人的民事责任是控制股东违反其法律义务的一种制裁。
The civil liability is not only a kind of style of distribution risks, but also it has sanction function. 民事责任不仅仅只是一种“分配风险”的方式,而且具有制裁功能。
The administration to civil servants, especially to their administrative sanction, is quite important administrative affairs that are involved in the administration of the nation. For example, administrative sanction to enterprise by government has been alkalescence; 对公务员的管理特别是对公务员违法违纪的处理是事关国家行政管理的重大问题。例如,政府部门对企事业单位的行政约束力减弱;
So there are some administrative sanction in civil law and regulations. Confiscation is such a sanction. 故在民事法律规范中对当事人的违法行为亦不乏行政制裁,收缴制度即为一类。
Studying the evidence discovery system of Euramerican civil litigation by way of party's mode and judicial mode, we can learn a lot for improving our system from foreign civil procedures such applicable law case, discovery scope, judicial authority and legal sanction. 从对当事人主义与职权主义诉讼模式下的欧美民事诉讼证据开示制度的研究中,我们可以在适用案件、开示范围与程序、法院职权以及制裁措施等方面得到我国相关制度几点改进启示。
Comment on Commercial Libel Act and Civil Legal Sanction 论商业诽谤行为及其民事法律制裁
An Analysis of Private Right Protection and Due Law Process in the Civil Sanction 民事制裁中的私权保障与正当法律程序分析
Punitive compensation is different from fines in nature is also different from civil sanction measures, mental damage compensation, responsibility insurance and other relative civil legal systems. 惩罚性赔偿与刑事罚金有本质区别,也不同于民事制裁措施、精神损害赔偿、责任保险等相关民事法律制度。
The harm of civil sanction system should be fully recognized and be abolished in the end. 应当充分认识民事制裁制度的危害性,并最终将民事制裁加以废除。
But there exit shortcomings in the system of the civil sanction. The civil sanction violates the requirement of due law process in many aspects like litigant's taking-part-in, and has become unjust institution against people's property and liberty. 但我国的民事制裁制度由于其天生的制度性缺陷,在分权制衡、当事人参与等各个方面均违反正当法律程序的要求,民事制裁异化成了侵害公民财产和自由的非正义制度。
In order to protect the system of merchant transaction, the civil legal sanction should be perfected. 只有立足于《民法通则》,对商业诽谤行为予以民事法律制裁,才能够全面完善对商事主体的保护,维护正常的商业交易秩序。
Therefore, we must establish a multiplication mechanism to solve group dispute to be able to protect legitimate civil right, sanction civil illegal activity and melt the group dispute effectively. 因此,必须建立一个能实现民事诉讼法保护合法民事权利,制裁民事违法行为,有效化解群体纠纷的多元化的群体纠纷解决机制。
In the division of the concept civil custom with common law and positive law, the civil custom is the standard with sanction by public in civil life field. 在民事习惯与习惯法、民事习惯与制定法两组概念的区分中将民事习惯界定为在民事生活领域,经社会公众普遍遵守并具有一定约束力的社会规范。
However, from the purpose of punitive civil sanction, the aggravated damages are a substitutive redress measure to human dignity, and the deterrence damages are to internalize the cost of act. 不过,从惩罚性赔偿的目的看,加重性赔偿与威慑性赔偿要么是对人格尊严的替代性的救济措施,要么是为了促使行为人将行为的社会成本内化。
From the standard point, civil custom is the behavioral norms in the civil field and complied by public with sanction. 从规范意义角度讲,民事习惯是在民事生活领域经社会公众普遍遵守并具有一定约束力的行为规范。
Traditionally, people generally think that the Civil Law System of administrative sanctions refers to the sanction of violating administrative law obligations. 在传统上,人们一般认为,大陆法系国家的行政处罚多被称作行政罚,是指对违反行政法上的义务而根据一般统治权给予的制裁。
The rationality of the market is based on the conception that put the criminal procedure law and the civil procedure law together, but ignores the pursuit of public interest in the sanction of the criminal acts. 市场合理性的视角,则是建立在将刑事诉讼的制度形态完全等同于民事诉讼基础上的,而忽视了在制裁刑事犯罪行为中的公共利益的追求。
The enterprise-splitting sanction is a sanction of splitting enterprises enforced by the anti-monopoly law agency for the recovery of the market competition. Distinguishing from division, discrete, merger or consolidation of the civil law, it is a specific sanction of anti-monopoly law. 拆分企业是反垄断执法机构为恢复市场竞争而采取的一种制裁手段,它与民商法上的企业解散、分立,或是兼并、合并是不同的,是反垄断法特有的制裁手段。
Therefore, once the purpose of the more-than-compensatory money sanctions is characterized as the punition or retribution, the general civil procedure can not be applied to the sanction. 这样,一旦超额赔偿的目的被定性为惩罚或者报应,那么,常规的民事程序就无法再对其具有适用性。
Special Confiscation has three types: the confiscation as a civil sanction in civil law, the confiscation as a administrative treatment in administrative law, the confiscation as a security measure in criminal law. 特别没收包括民法中作为民事制裁措施的没收、行政法中作为行政处罚措施的没收、刑法中作为保安处分措施的没收三类。